How Police Work Alters Business Environment

Business Executive Roundtable for Business Safety at Chino PD


The Chino Valley Chamber recently hosted a Business Executive Roundtable on Business safety in collaboration with the Chino Police Department (CPD) on February 22nd. Chino PD has created extensive programming that takes a collaborative effort amongst police and residents to maintain a safe community. CPD also partners with neighboring businesses to help prevent property crimes with a program named Crime Prevention through Environmental Design or C.P.T.E.D. Free of charge to business owners, C.P.T.E.D. provides actionable steps that business owners can take to improve the safety of their business for visitors and employees alike. There are four areas of concern that CPD looks out for during this process, the areas are: access control, natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement, and maintenance practices.

Access Control 

The primary objective of access control is to make potential targets for crime appear undesirable due to access points being designated and kept in plain sight. Access control includes entrances and exits, landscaping, lighting, fencing, and security. 

Natural Surveillance 

Next, natural surveillance will create a risk of detection for offenders and a perception of being secure through the placement of light fixtures, windows and doors, landscaping, and cameras.

Territorial Reinforcement 

Furthermore, territorial reinforcement will indicate to a perpetrator that someone cares about a particular property. Business owners can accomplish territorial reinforcement by defining public, semi-public, and private spaces through landscaping, signage, designed activity space, or sidewalks and paved areas.

Maintenance Procedures

 Lastly, maintenance procedures help enforce policies mandated by property management, providing a clean community for customers and clients. Maintenance or operational procedures include eliminating trash and graffiti, maintaining lawns and gardens, posting policies or rules, and taking action when violations occur.

In addition to the C.P.T.E.D program, Chino PD offers a safe location for all in-person exchange of sales right outside of their police station in their parking lot. CPD recommends well lit, public locations, with video surveillance for those who do in-person sales with online strangers.  

  Moreover, the Chino Police Department offers a Community Academy where members of the community can discuss ways to strengthen the safety of the community through collaborative efforts amongst each other. CPD approaches the promotion of safety as a collaborative effort amongst residents, business owners, and police which has also supported Chino in being recognized as a booming city.

As a result of the roundtable, Vola Rossi, business owner of Let’s Party Entertainment is one of the first business owners in Chino to begin a Business Safety Watch with fellow business owners in her plaza on 13771 Roswell Ave, Ste. C. The Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce and Chino Police Department will continue their partnership amongst each other and business owners to create a safe city for all to enjoy.


This information is brought to business owners from the Chino Valley Chamber’s Business Executive Roundtables. If you are interested in participating in a future roundtable or proposing a topic of discussion, reach out to Community Engagement Director, Julia E. Cabrera at

If you’d like to learn more about supporting the safety of your business reach out to Chino PD Community Relations Supervisor, Tricia Dinkle at or visit the Chino Police Department’s website here, to learn more.